(2) DATCP regulates fish farms, including fish farms operated by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (“DNR"). DATCP also regulates the import, movement and disease testing of fish.
(3) Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) is a serious disease of fish. VHS was first reported in Wisconsin on May 11, 2007, after the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory confirmed positive samples from freshwater drum (sheepshead) in Little Lake Butte des Mortes (part of the Lake Winnebago system). VHS was subsequently found in Lake Winnebago, and in Lake Michigan near Green Bay and Algoma. The source of VHS in these wild water bodies is not known. VHS has not yet been reported in any Wisconsin fish farms. VHS can be fatal to fish, but is not known to affect human beings.
(4) Current DATCP rules require health certificates for fish and fish eggs (including bait) imported into this state, for fish and fish eggs stocked into waters of the state, and for fish and fish eggs (including bait species) moved between fish farms in this state. Import health certificates must include VHS testing if the import shipment includes salmonids (salmon, trout, etc.) or originates from a state or province where VHS is known to occur. VHS testing is not currently required for fish or fish eggs stocked into waters of the state from Wisconsin sources, for bait fish or eggs originating from Wisconsin sources, for fish or fish eggs moved between fish farms in Wisconsin, or for non-salmonids imported from states where VHS has not yet been found.
(5) Because VHS has now been found in waters of the state, it is necessary to expand current VHS testing requirements. Because of the urgent need to minimize the spread of VHS in this state, it is necessary to adopt VHS testing requirements by emergency rule, pending the adoption of a “permanent" rule.
Disease-Free Herd Certification of
Farm-Raised Deer Herds
(6) DATCP registers farm-raised deer herds in this state. DATCP also regulates the import, movement and disease testing of farm-raised deer. Under current DATCP rules, DATCP may certify a farm-raised deer herd as brucellosis-free or tuberculosis-free, or both, based on herd test results provided by the farm-raised deer keeper. Certification is voluntary, but facilitates sale and movement of farm-raised deer.
(7) Under current rules, a tuberculosis-free herd certification is good for 3 years, but a brucellosis-free herd certification is good for only 2 years. There is no compelling veterinary medical reason for the difference. A rule change (extending the brucellosis-free certification term from 2 to 3 years) is needed to harmonize the certification terms, so that farm-raised deer keepers can conduct simultaneous tests for both diseases. Simultaneous testing will reduce testing costs and limit stress on tested deer. An emergency rule is needed to avoid some unnecessary costs for farm-raised deer keepers this year, pending the adoption of permanent rules.
Publication Date:   July 9, 2008
Effective Date:   July 9, 2008
Expiration Date:   December 6, 2008
Hearing Date:   August 1, 2008
Children and Families (3)
(Formerly Workforce Development)
Family Supports, Chs. DWD 12 to 59
emergency_rules EmR0806 1.   EmR0806 - Rule adopted amending s. DWD 56.08 (1) and (2) (a), (e), and (f) and repealing and recreating Table DWD 56.08, relating to child care copayments and affecting small businesses.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Workforce Development finds that an emergency exists and that the rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is:
The federal Department of Health and Human Services is requiring that Wisconsin eliminate different copayment amounts for families who receive child care services from a certified provider and families who receive child care services from a licensed provider. The change to the copayment schedule must be implemented by April 1, 2008, or Wisconsin risks losing $82 million annually from the Child Care Development Fund.
Publication Date:   February 27, 2008
Effective Date:   March 30, 2008
Expiration Date:   August 27, 2008
Hearing Date:   April 11, 2008
emergency_rules EmR0814 2.   EmR0814 - Rule adopted repealing EmR0807 affecting s. DWD 56.04, relating to child care enrollment underutilization.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Workforce Development finds that an emergency exists and that an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is:
The Department implemented the child care enrollment underutilization emergency rule as a cost-saving measure effective March 30, 2008. 2007 Wisconsin Act 226 provides $18.6 million to address the fiscal year 2007-08 Wisconsin Shares funding shortfall. The Governor's veto message directs the Department of Workforce Development to “suspend the current attendance-based rule for the remainder of fiscal year 2007-08." The Department is repealing the enrollment underutilization emergency rule and will be withdrawing the corresponding proposed permanent rule.
Publication Date:   May 25, 2008
Effective Date:   May 25, 2008
Expiration Date:   October 22, 2008
Hearing Date:   June 27, 2008
emergency_rules EmR0821 3.   EmR0821 - Rules adopted creating ss. DWD 40.02 (12m), 40.05, and DWD 40 Appendix D, relating to establishment of birth cost orders based on child support guidelines.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Workforce Development finds that an emergency exists and that the attached rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is:
The federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) has notified Wisconsin that OCSE will not certify the state's request for federal income tax refund offset for birth cost orders that have not been set in accordance with the child support guidelines in Chapter DWD 40, which take into consideration the payer's ability to pay.
Federal income tax refund offset is one of the primary tools for collection of birth cost orders owed to the State of Wisconsin. In calendar year 2007, the child support program collected $11,481,000 in birth costs through federal income tax refund offset. Of the nearly $11.5 million collected, approximately $6.62 million was returned to the federal government to reimburse Medicaid costs, $1.72 million was used by county child support agency programs to benefit children in the state, and the remaining $3.14 million was returned to the state Medicaid program.
Publication Date:   June 27, 2008
Effective Date:   June 27, 2008
Expiration Date:   November 24, 2008
Hearing Date:   July 29, 2008
Licenses, Certifications, etc., Ch. Comm 5
Rules adopted revising Ch. Comm 5, relating to licensing of elevator contractors and installers.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
Under the nonstatutory provisions of 2005 Wis. Act 456, the Department of Commerce was directed to issue emergency rules that implement provisions of the Act. The Act specifically states: “Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the department of commerce is not required to provide evidence that promulgating rules under this subsection as emergency rules is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for the rules promulgated under this subsection."
The Act mandates the licensing of elevator contractors and installers. Under the Act no person may engage in the business of installing or servicing conveyances or working on a conveyance unless licensed as of June 1, 2007. These emergency rules are being adopted in order to provide the elevator industry the ability to comply with licensing aspects of the Act and continue working until permanent rules are implemented.
Publication Date:   June 1, 2007
Effective Date:   June 1, 2007
Expiration Date:   See section 7 (2), 2005 Wis.
  Act 456
Hearing Date:   June 27, 2007
Commerce (2)
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 104-135
emergency_rules EmR0802 1.   EmR0802 - Creating Ch. Comm 132, relating to implementing a program for certifying applicants and allocating dairy manufacturing facility investment tax credits, and affecting small businesses.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Commerce finds that an emergency exists and that adoption of the rule included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of public welfare.
The facts constituting the emergency are as follows. Under sections 71.07 (3p) (b), 71.28 (3p) (b), and 71.47 (3p) (b) of the Statutes, as created in 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, a taxpayer may claim a dairy manufacturing facility investment credit for dairy manufacturing modernization or expansion during taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006. Sections 71.07 (3p) (a) 3., 71.28 (3p) (a) 3., and 71.47 (3p) (a) 3. of the Statutes define dairy manufacturing modernization or expansion as “constructing, improving, or acquiring buildings or facilities, or acquiring equipment, for dairy manufacturing . . . if acquired and placed in service in this state during taxable years that begin after December 31, 2006, and before January 1, 2015." Section 71.07 (3p) (c) 2m. a. of the Statutes states that the maximum amount of credits that may be claimed in fiscal year 2007-08 is $600,000.
Section 560.207 of the Statutes, as likewise created in 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, requires the Department to (1) implement a program for certifying taxpayers as eligible for the dairy manufacturing facility investment credit, (2) determine the amount of credits to allocate to those taxpayers, and (3) in consultation with the Department of Revenue, promulgate rules to administer the program. No other provisions are established in the Statutes regarding the specific process for taxpayers to use in applying for the credits, and for the Department of Commerce to use in certifying eligible taxpayers and in allocating the credits.
Because of enactment of 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, a number of entities that may be eligible for the tax credits have contacted the Department with inquiries concerning the process for applying for the credits, for expenditures that have been incurred during taxable years that began after December 31, 2006.
Entities that may be eligible for the tax credits for the 2007-08 fiscal year face near-term time constraints for filing their tax returns with the Department of Revenue. Although the Department of Commerce has begun promulgating the permanent rule that is required by 2007 Act 20, the time periods in chapter 227 of the Statutes for promulgating permanent rules preclude the permanent rule from becoming effective in time to readily accommodate claiming the tax credits for the 2007-08 fiscal year. This emergency rule will enable the Department of Commerce to establish an application, certification, and tax credit allocation process for the entities that need to soon file their tax returns for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.
Publication Date:   February 4, 2008
Effective Date:   February 4, 2008
Expiration Date:   July 3, 2008
Hearing Date:   May 14, 2008
Extension Through:   September 1, 2008
emergency_rules EmR0823 2.   EmR0823 - Rules adopted amending Comm Table 108.6–1, sections Comm 108.07 (5), 108.22 (1), and 154.06 (intro.), relating to emergency assistance grants in the community development block grant program, and affecting small businesses.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Commerce finds that an emergency exists and that adoption of the rule included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of public health, safety, and welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows.
Currently under sections Comm 108.06, 108.07, and 108.22 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, as promulgated under sections 560.04, 560.045, and 560.9809 of the Statutes, the Department may annually use up to 5 percent of its federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to repair or replace public infrastructure or facilities, or for emergency services necessitated by a natural disaster or catastrophic event. Also under sections Comm 108.07 and 108.22, the maximum amount of CDBG funds that the Department can award to any local government for a natural disaster or catastrophic event is $500,000.
Currently under section Comm 154.06, as promulgated under sections 560.02 (4) and 560.9809 (2) of the Statutes, the Department may annually use up to $2,000,000 of CDGB funds to address emergency housing needs caused by natural disasters or catastrophic events.
Because of the unprecedented levels of damage to public infrastructure and facilities from the severe storms and widespread flooding that occurred throughout the State in June 2008, the need for emergency assistance to communities far exceeds the $1.35 Million of CDBG funding that results from the above 5-percent limit, and the need for emergency housing assistance for low and moderate income households far exceeds the above $2,000,000. Communities and households in 28 of the 30 counties where the Governor has declared a state of emergency are eligible for this CDBG program assistance.
This emergency rule repeals the above limits of 5 percent, $500,000 and $2,000,000. This will enable the Department to (1) use any available CDBG funds for emergency assistance with repairing or replacing public infrastructure and facilities, and with repairing or replacing homes damaged by the severe storms and flooding; and (2) base the award amounts on the scope of the damages and destruction in the community and on the funds available.
Publication Date:   July 16, 2008
Effective Date:   July 16, 2008
Expiration Date:   December 16, 2008
Hearing Date:   August 27, 2008
emergency_rules EmR0812 EmR0812 - Rules adopted revising s. DOC 332.19, relating to the establishment of a sex offender registration fee to partially offset the costs of monitoring persons who are required to register as sex offenders.
Finding of Emergency
The department of corrections finds that an emergency exists and that rules included in this order are necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health, safety and welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is: 2007 WI Act 20, section 3132, amended s. 301.45 (10), Stats., in three ways which requires an immediate amendment of s. DOC 332.19.
First, the newly amended s. 301.45 (10), Stats., expands the persons whom the department of corrections may require to pay an annual sex offender registration fee. Previously, the department was limited to assessing the fee only against those persons who were required to register and who were in its custody or under its supervision as a person on probation, parole, or extended supervision. The new law permits the department to require all persons who are required to register as a sex offender to pay an annual fee.
Second, the new law limits the use of the collected sex offender fees to partially offset the costs of monitoring sex offenders. Previously, the department was authorized to use the collected fees to partially offset the costs of monitoring those persons on probation, parole, or extended supervision, regardless of whether they were required to register as sex offenders.
Third, the legislature increased the maximum annual rate from $50 to $100. If the rule is not amended promptly and immediately, the department will not be able to collect the fees which are to be used to offset the costs of monitoring persons who are required to register as sex offenders. This could result in a lessening of supervision due to budget limitations.
The purpose of the emergency rule is to amend the current rule to require all persons who are required to register as sex offenders under s. 301.45 to pay the annual fee which is used to partially offset the costs of monitoring registrants. The emergency rule also increases the annual rate to $100. The permanent rule process has been started. However, the permanent rule process will take approximately nine months to complete. Emergency rules are necessary to respond promptly to the collection of fees while permanent rules are being developed.
Publication Date:   May 15, 2008
Effective Date:   May 15, 2008
Expiration Date:   October 12, 2008
Hearing Date:   July 24, 2008
Health Services
(Formerly Health and Family Services)
Management & Technology & Strategic Finance,
Chs. HFS 1
EmR0810 - Rule adopted amending ss. HFS 10.55 (1) and 10.56 (2); and creating ss. HFS 10.55 (1m) and 10.56 (2m), relating to fair hearings and continuation of benefits pending the outcome of a grievance, Department review, or fair hearing under the family care program.
Finding of Emergency
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.